Friday, December 9, 2011

Suba and Sandhya Batch (Batch2 for PS)

Core Java SE APIs , JSP, Servlets, JSF, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Web Services, JMS, EJB3.0, Tomcat, GlassFish, Eclipse, NetBeans, Mysql.


  1. Exercise1:

    Write a class with both the static and nonstatic instance variables.
    Create two separate instances of the class.

    Set the static instance variables through one instance and access through another instance. What is your observation?

    Set the non static variables through one instance and access through another instance. What is your observation?

  2. Exercise2:

    What are the data types that does the implicit conversion?

    What are the wrappers classes?

    How to use Wrapper classes?

  3. Exercise3:

    Usage of List,ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector
    Usage of Set, hashSet, TreeSet, Iterator
    Usage of Map, HashMap, TreeMap
    Convert Map to Set
    Usage of HashTable, Vector, Enumeration.

    What is Type Safety?

  4. Exercise4:

    Purpose of JDBC API?
    What are the diffent ways to create an Instance of the Class?

    What is DriverManager?
    What is Statement Interface?
    What is PreparedStatement Interface?
    What is CallableStatement Interface?

    Differences between Statement methods like execute("sql"), executeUpdate("sql") and executeQuery("sql") ?

    When to use Statement, PreparedStatement and CallableStatement?

    How to run Batch process using java.sql?

  5. Exercise5:

    Write a Java program for the below operations on the database.
    1. To create table in the Database.
    2. Delete a Table from Database
    3. Retrieve Tables from a Database
    4. Insert Rows into Database table
    5. Retrieve All Rows from a Database Table
    6. Get Column Names from a database table
    7. Delete All/Specific Row from a Database Table
    8. Using WHERE Clause in JDBC
